High Quality Independent Nursery Childcare in Purley
When choosing the right Montessori school for you, we know that there are many factors to consider. We offer a variety of options to be as flexible as possible for our parents.

We Are
All About the Montessori Approach
You can find Montessori schools all over the world since the development of the method by Maria Montessori nearly 100 years ago.
This is a holistic approach that recognises birth to 6 years old as a time when children have the best capacity for learning. The Montessori environment allows children to be inquisitive and learn through activities and the freedom to explore. When given the ability to make choices, children develop into more proactive and enthusiastic learners that are self-motivated and independent.
The approach encourages children to have a respect for others, their environment, and most importantly, themselves. A Montessori environment is centred around the child to meet their development needs.

We follow
The 5 Core Principles
The concept that children are able to educate themselves when given the right materials.
The belief that simply by being, children are always learning through their surroundings.
There are periods in a child's development when they are more sensitive to learning certain skills.
Respect is shown in many ways including not interrupting a child's concentration and giving them the freedom to choose for themselves.
Children learn well when an environment has been prepared to allow them to do things independently and with freedom of choice.